Work in progress

Articles and conference/seminar papers

‘Divine anonymity’

‘Theological dualism and the origins of Greek philosophy’

‘A Parmenidean self-exegesis’ = ‘Parménide, exégète de Parménide’

‘Plato’s Parmenides and the Fourth Man’ (for a SAGP Zoom panel, 4 Nov. 2023)

‘The Argument from Relatives’

‘Plato and Stoic ontology’(for a SAGP Zoom panel, Nov. 2024)


A volume of 12 selected papers on ancient philosophy, in French translation, in the series ᾽Tradition de la pensée classique’, ed. M. Dixsaut and D. El Murr (Vrin)

Studies in Greek Theology

Based on 2014 lectures at Renmin University. Chinese version published November 2021, Beijing. Expanded and revised English version is expected to appear eventually in the CUP series ‘Key Themes in Ancient Philosophy’.

Plato’s Phaedo

Not a commentary but a discursive study of the whole dialogue